Sharing The Good News
An important part of our mission at New Life is to communicate the changeless Christ to a changing culture.
Why Missions?
“Evangelism is one beggar telling another beggar where he found bread.” -unknown
We are beggars who have received the Bread of Heaven: Jesus Christ. Our desire is to spread the good news of God’s amazing grace both globally and locally through prayer, financial support, and personal encouragement.
Areas of Focus
It is our joy and privilege to join with other believers and churches in supporting ministries that:
- carry the message of new life in Christ to distant places and different cultures to plant new churches,
- translate the Bible for people who have never read God’s Word in their own language,
- train, educate and mentor pastors and evangelists,
- nurture adolescents and young adults into strong adult followers of Christ,
- expose and critique current threats to the church’s faith,
- care for pregnant women,
- promote God-glorifying reconciliation among Christians, and
- meet the material and spiritual needs of our Spanish-speaking neighbors on both sides of the US-Mexico border.
Missions We Support
The following are missions and organizations that the congregation of New Life supports financially:
- Vincenzo & Judit Coluccia, MTW Church Plant in Lecce, Italy
- Juan and Martha Arjona with Misión Vida Nueva, Escondido
- Dennis Bone, chaplain with North County Solutions for Change
- Allen & Rosalie in Central Asia
- The Gospel Coalition (TGC)
- Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation Covenant College
- David & Dawn Diaso, MTW, Hispanic ministries in San Diego & Baja California
- Dave & Darlene Eby in Uganda
- Gordy and Grace
- Antonio Coppola with Covenant Waterfall Presbyterian Church, South Africa
- Alternatives Medical Clinic
- Jim & Claudia Jung in Australasia/Oceana
- Keith & Debbie serving immigrants in Texas
- Lloyd & Eda Kim with Mission to the World (MTW)
- Mission to North America
- Peacemaker Ministries
- Rafiki Foundation in Africa
- Reformed University Fellowship
- David & Eowyn Stoddard in Germany
- Eric & Susanne in Southeast Asia
- Peter & Rebecca Jones with truthXchange
- Gary & Lois Watanabe with Redeemer City to City Asia-Australia
- Westminster Seminary California
Get in touch
Do you have questions before you visit? Is there a way New Life could be of assistance? Please fill out the form below, and we will be in touch as soon as possible.